Croeso i Dosbarth Pinc!
Welcome to Dosbarth Pinc!
Dosbarth Pinc is our mixed Nursery, Reception and Year 1 class.
Our teacher this year is Miss Hughes who is supported by Mrs Barrowdale and Mrs Evans.
We use the Seesaw app to keep you up to date with your child's learning - please email the office.
Where to find us
Dosbarth Pinc is located in the building at the side of the school, accessed from the side street, as shown here.

Nursery, Reception and Year 1 children attend school all day and gates open from 8:50 am for a 9 am start. Nursery children are to be collected at 11.30am. .Reception and Year 1 children are to be collected at the end of day at 3:10 pm.
Snack Time:
Children can bring in a water bottle to keep in class to drink throughout the day, please ensure only plain water is in the bottles and they are labelled with the child's name (they can be refilled as needed).
The children are provided with fruit daily at a cost of £1 per week. They will also be offered milk to drink.
PE is every Thursday.

Please help your child to learn their initial sounds and then begin sounding out words using these sounds, words such as cat, dog, mat, man etc. We then move on to digraphs and trigraphs as well as learning some of our common exception words.
If your child already is confident with their phonic sounds please encourage correct letter formation and help them to learn keywords.
We also encourage you to read books to your child as much as possible at home and listen to your child read books that are sent home and return to school the next day.
Please help your child to correctly form numbers. Some of the things we will be covering is: number recognition and formation as well as adding/taking away objects and using our fingers to add and take away, coins up to 10p, sharing amounts, measuring using things such as blocks, cubes and rulers, We will also be singing lots of number rhymes and watching numeracy videos.
Personal Independence:
In school all children are encouraged to become independent in their learning. We encourage children to take off and put on jumpers, coats, socks, shoes on their own. They also have opportunites to cut up their own fruit using child safe and friendly cutlery. To support your child's independence we’d ask you to please practice these personal skills at home.
If you have any questions or would like any more information on how to help your child at home please do not hesitate to come and talk to us.
Thank you!
Websites to support learning
Games to play at home:
Shows to watch together at home:
Magi Ann
Magi Ann Apps are a very useful resource to help your child build on their welsh skills.
The BBC website is a great tool for learning Cymraeg
S4C's magical world of Cyw - play games, have fun reading and learn songs