Inclement Weather Procedure
Guide for Parents
Crumlin High Level Primary School has detailed procedures in place to deal with inclement weather conditions. The decision to close our school will never be taken lightly and a full risk assessment will be undertaken to ensure the safety and well-being of pupils, staff, parents and visitors prior to any decision being made. As you can appreciate there are many factors that will affect the safety and well-being of our school community including the condition of access roads / paths, availability of staff and conditions within the school site itself to name but a few. Every effort will be made to keep Crumlin High Level Primary School open during any adverse weather conditions although this cannot be guaranteed. Below is an outline of the steps that will take place if we experience adverse weather conditions.
Adverse Weather Conditions Overnight and/or During Weekends/Holiday Periods
Between 6:15am and 6:45am a risk assessment of the school site / surrounding areas will be undertaken and availability of staff will be sought.
At approximately 6:45am,Mr C George will liaise with the Chair of Governors as to whether the school will open or close.
Between 6:45am and 7:00am parents will be informed via the Seesaw App whether school will be either OPEN as usual, CLOSED to both pupils and staff or OPEN to staff only.
The school website as well as the Caerphilly CBC website will be updated with our status and local radio stations will be informed by 7.00am.
If the school is closed, parents will be kept updated via Seesaw, Facebook and Caerphilly CBC website throughout the day.
Adverse Weather Conditions During the School Day
Please monitor conditions throughout the school day, if you are in any doubt please collect your child.
If we decide to close due to poor weather conditions, we will send an email viathe Seesaw App and begin calling all parents to request children are collected as soon as possible. Parents should report to the main entrance and are advised to be very careful whilst approaching the school.
We will not allow any child who normally walks home to do so.