Crumlin High Level Primary PTA
Can you help support the PTA
As a parent, carer or staff member of the school, your always considered to be a valuable member of our PTA family and the level of involvement you chose is entirely up to you.
Ways you can get involved:
Ideas – the ethos behind all our events is FUN. We believe that getting local families and the community together should be our number one goal, any monies raised is just a added bonus.
Organising and planning – each event requires a great deal of work behind the scenes to put everything together you may not be able to help on the day by there’s plenty to do in the lead up. For example, putting up posters, shopping for supplies, selling raffle tickets etc.
Volunteering at events – there are always lots of small jobs during events and we always need plenty of assistance. Help doesn’t need to be just from parents, we welcome grandparents, aunts and uncles and anyone willing to lend a hand.
Attending events – we work hard putting together each event but they’re no fun if people don’t come along and join in. You’ll be notified of each upcoming event via the school app, email and our Facebook page.
Meetings – we always love to have new faces and new perspectives at our meetings and we feel it’s important that parents from all across the school get represented when we gather to make decisions. The committee formally meets once a term, but everyone is welcome to attend all meetings, we understand that not everyone is available to attend meetings so there is always continuous discussion via our closed Facebook group, if you would like to join please give us a message and we can add you in.
Donations – donations are a really important part of our fundraising and it doesn’t necessarily involve parents paying out cold hard cash – here are a few ways you can help.
Match funding - many large companies offer match funding although all have their own rules regarding this, if you are aware of your company being able to offer this, why not have a chat and see if it’s something they can offer our school.
Raffle prizes - we are always in need of raffle prizes, you may have the odd present at home that you wasn’t very fussed on or may work for a company that would like to offer us something, we are grateful for any help big or small.
Baking - we often hold cakes sales and cake donations are always very thin on the ground, a few cupcakes can make a big difference.
Second hand toys – who doesn’t love a tombola , teddy, book, bottle both children and adults just love a go but to run these stalls donations are required.
Cash back schemes – Easy fundraising- if you shop online, please consider navigating to your usual shopping site via easy fundraising this site gives the PTA cash-back on your purchases and is really simple to use.
Bags-2-school – we will be having a regular collection for pre loved clothes so don’t throw those outgrown clothes away bag them up and donate to the school where we can turn them in to cash
Second hand uniform/outfits – our children are forever outgrowing school uniform, concert outfits, fancy dress why not donate these to the PTA where we can then pass them on to other families.
If you can offer any help to the PTA please contact us via the school, sending a message via our Facebook page or pop and chat to one of the members on the yard.
Thank you