Croeso i Dosbarth Porffor!

Welcome to Dosbarth Porffor!

Dosbarth Porffor is our mixed Year Five and Year Six class. 

Our teacher this year is Mrs Smith.

We use the Seesaw app to keep you up to date with your child's learning - please email the office.

Where to find us

Dosbarth Porffor is located in the main school building from the side entrance, as shown here. 

School Map.pdf

Snack Time:

Children can bring in a water bottle to keep in class to drink throughout the day, please ensure only plain water is in the bottles and they are labelled with the child's name (they can be refilled as needed). 

The children can also bring in a fruit or vegetable snack for morning break.


PE is every Wednesday. Children should wear their PE kit to school. See our Uniform & Appearance page for details on PE kits.


We are working on adapting our writing styles to suit a variety of forms during our time in Dosbarth Porffor. We use imagination and experiment with language to create own literature ! We work hard to develop our use of vocabulary and use a variety of punctuation as well as learning how to use punctuation for parenthesis.

We encourage you to read books to your child as much as possible at home and listen to your child read any books that are sent home and return to school the next day. We also send home weekly spelling lists to be practiced at home.


In this class we are learning to read, write and partition numbers to at least 1,000,000 and 3 place decimals.   Some of the things we will be covering include: addition, subtraction, multiplication by 1 and 2 digits as well as dividing by 2 digits. We calculate with up to £1000 as well as work on fractions, decimals and percentages equivalences. 


In school all children are encouraged to become independent in their learning. Termly, we celebrate an Aspire day with Dosbarth Glas. Here, we are given a question of inquiry and, in groups, we seek to research and answer this question - ending our day with a final presentation of our findings in a range of forms (song, dance, art, digital, poster, etc).